Sermon Archives
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Through this series in the Old Testament book of Joshua, we will be reassured of God’s presence with his people. Despite many obstacles facing the people of Israel, God still guided them to the Promised Land. Throughout the book, we will see God's faithfulness displayed to his people and see the connection to how he has provided us with everything we need in Christ. The series aims to make us feel confident and courageous in Christ so that we can trust God and take the next step of faith.
Our series on The Letter to the Galatians aims to provide you with a deeper understanding of the gospel and freedom it brings to believers. We will delve into the foundational truths of grace, faith, and Christ's redemptive work. The series will unpack the significance of living by faith rather than works of the law, emphasizing the transformative power of God's grace in setting believers free from bondage to legalism and enabling them to walk in the fullness of their identity as children of God.
We become what we behold, or what we focus on. In this sermon series, we want to behold Christ—to focus on who He is and what He has done. Jesus is the humble king, the suffering servant, and the resurrected Lord. As such, He has the power to save. We must feel our need for Him and we can experience deep joy, knowing Him. Behold Him! And feed your mind on Christ and receive Him and all of His benefits.
We become what we behold, or what we focus on. In this sermon series, we want to behold Christ—to focus on who He is and what He has done. Jesus is the humble king, the suffering servant, and the resurrected Lord. As such, He has the power to save. We must feel our need for Him and we can experience deep joy, knowing Him. Behold Him! And feed your mind on Christ and receive Him and all of His benefits.
Prayer is a deeply personal, but not solitary, activity. In other words, it is not just Christians who pray but the church prays together. The praying person becomes part of a praying people when the Spirit of Jesus inhabits the body of Christ. Therefore, we aim to become a people that prays together. Over the course of this series, we will focus on the various attributes of a praying church.
Jesus begins by telling his disciples, “Pray, then, in this way…” (6:9a). The Lord’s Prayer teaches how to pray and for what to pray. It is a pattern of prayer and a model for prayer. The pattern speaks of praising the Lord, repenting of sin, asking for provision and protection, and ultimately, yielding to the Lord to see His glory come in all the earth. But it all begins with addressing God as “Father.”
Our Advent series this year is O Come All You Unfaithful. Jesus wasn't born for people who have it together, but for those who do not. Yet, Jesus invites them to come to Him in faith. This Advent series considers various ways in which unfaithful people are invited to come to the real Jesus in faith.
Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11 teaches and illustrates what a life of faith looks like. We live by faith because God is faithful and can be trusted. So we can feel confident and settled, knowing that God is trustworthy. The life of faith, then, is one where we can persevere in doing what is right and even take appropriate risks for God.
Strengthen Your Core is a sermon series that rehearses our “core identities” of who we are in Christ as a church. We are disciples, family, servants, and ambassadors. All of these identities are grounded in the gospel, the good news of Jesus’ kingdom. This is displayed in Jesus' death on the cross and the free gift of salvation through His grace.
Throughout the centuries, God’s people have faced a wide variety of circumstances, from tremendous suffering to inexpressible joy. And, throughout the centuries, God’s people have found solace and strength in the book of Psalms as it beautifully depicts God’s character, grace, and faithfulness. This summer, we will be covering various Psalms as they reveal to us the truth about God’s character and our need for Him.
After we believe in Jesus, we begin a lifelong journey of becoming more like Him. We can be tempted, however, to stray off His path if we are not careful. God has given us the strength to follow Christ through some basic practices, also known as spiritual disciplines. These practices help us to walk in a manner worthy of the gospel.
We believe that Jesus is better than anything this world has to offer. We can be confident that our culture’s idols—the things we value above all else—cannot save or satisfy. Only Jesus can. Therefore, we earnestly desire that all people would turn from their sins and trust in Jesus as their Savior. While we may think the things of this world are good, Jesus is better.
The new sermon series, "ALL IN" seeks to instruct our congregation in LBC’s purpose and mission as a church. We will also cover our core identities and our vision for the year. Most importantly, we desire to be “all in” on the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the book of Philippians, the apostle Paul teaches us how to be committed to the gospel through his instructions and encouragement to the church at Philippi.
Do Christians have to obey the Ten Commandments? Or are they just some irrelevant code of law from long ago? In our series on the Ten Commandments, we seek to instruct Christians how to rightly relate to God's Law as expressed in the Ten Commandments. If we properly understand these Commandments, we will feel the depth of our sin but also see the greatness of Jesus’ mercy in fulfilling the Law.
"The Songs of Christmas"! Songs are powerful because they are often a response to a profound experience. When we feel joy, we often burst forth in song. When we are deeply hurting, lament pours onto the pages. The songs we sing reflect what our hearts worship. This Advent, we are studying songs that were sung by Bible characters in response to God’s greatest gift, Jesus Christ.
Jesus commands us that we are to make disciples as we “go” (Matthew 28:18). Lincroft Bible Church has a mission from God to make disciples. This has led us to our rally cry for this year: WALK WORTHY. We want to take the next step in following Jesus and align ourselves with Him in our beliefs and actions and to grow in our purpose, mission, and identities as a church.
As the pace of modern life grows faster and more complex the need for wisdom is greater than ever. Because God meets all our needs in the pages of His Word, the Bible, it contains a whole genre called Wisdom Literature. This series walks through selections from the Bible’s Wisdom Literature to guide us and to help us skillfully navigate our day-to-day living.
As we have learned to love God deeply and to love one another passionately, we want our love to move outward toward others. We want to love our neighbors boldly. There is no better way to learn how to love boldly than to study the life of Jesus. By boldly loving those with whom He came in contact, He has become our perfect example. For the next 12 weeks, we will be studying Luke 13-16 to observe how Jesus’ bold love to save sinners motivates us to love our neighbors boldly.
The gospel is a message of great depth and beauty but also of profound simplicity. Jesus has come to live the perfect life we have all failed to live. As the perfectly obedient sacrifice, Jesus offered Himself on the cross, taking the penalty of our sins so that we might be forgiven. But Jesus did not stay dead. He rose again, conquering sin, death, and the devil. Because of His resurrection, we can have a new spiritual life now and the promise of bodily resurrection later.
1 Corinthians 15 seems to explain these truths better than any other chapter of the Bible. For the next two weeks (and Good Friday), we will explore the depth, beauty, and simplicity of the gospel as found in 1 Corinthians 15.
The New Testament devotes considerable time to instructing the church in how to live as family. In fact, there are 59 “one another” commands in the New Testament, and 15 out of the 59 are the same: “love one another" (25%!). Therefore, how we treat one another is very important in God's eyes. This series will focus on providing practical instruction on loving each other well.
Loving well means that we love God deeply, love one another passionately, and love our neighbors boldly. We spent the Fall of 2021 learning to love God deeply. We are now turning our attention to what it means to love one another passionately. To guide our thinking about loving one another, we will be working through the book of 1 John. 1 John was written to help churches to know the one true God and to learn how to love one another.
As the people of Israel languished in exile, one question which arose for them about God was, “Have you rejected us forever?” It could have certainly seemed so, for from the end of Malachi to the beginning of the New Testament were 400 “silent years” where God did not send any prophets among the people. But when the New Testament opens, God comes to His people in love and He speaks through the birth of His son, Jesus Christ.
In order to love well, we must know the God who loved us first, for the heart cannot love what the mind does not know. To know God more, we must know what he is like. Therefore, studying his attributes is one of the best ways to come to know him. As we walk through the book of Psalms, we will begin by seeing God as our refuge.
Love is a word that is easy to say but difficult to define with any precision. As Christians, we know that God is love. But what does that mean? And how does God's love influence our understanding of love? In 1 Corinthians 13, the apostle Paul lays out one of the most compelling descriptions and definitions of love ever put into words. This series explores what the Bible means by the word 'love' and how our love can be changed by God's love.
What is a man? What is a woman? And why does it matter? Confusion reigns in our culture today about the meaning and purpose of human life. Too often we attempt to live as autonomous individuals rather than those in deep relationships with one another. In Side by Side, we explore God's original design for men and women, how it was corrupted by sin, but how God redeems it in Christ.
In our Sermon Series, David, a Faithful Life in a Complicated World, we see that King David faced many trials and complex circumstances. Yet through it all, he trusted in God and lived a faithful life before the Lord. A faithful life, however, does not mean perfect. David definitely failed (sometimes spectacularly). But through those failures, he turned from his sin and entrusted himself to the Lord. This series explores how David points us forward to the King we really need, Jesus. We will see how we can live faithful lives in a complicated (modern) world.
Sermon Series: Renew: Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ. We are saved by believing the gospel message, the good news that life with God is available through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The gospel not only brings us into a right relationship with God, it is also the way we grow in our faith. We are made new through the gospel, but, as Romans 6-8 shows us, we are also becoming new. Romans 6-8 shows us how to live the new life we have in Christ and how to put Christ’s power on display in our own lives.
Our sermon series, A Thrill of Hope, comes from the lyrics of “O Holy Night.” If you remember the song, the very next line is, “a weary world rejoices.” It is hard to find a better description of our world right now. It is anxious, depressed, and weary. It needs hope. And that hope is found in Jesus Christ. He is the hope of the world. Join us to see how the gospel gives us hope and how we can share this hope with others.
Core strength comes from working out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). It means allowing the gospel to influence every area of our lives and to change those areas on a deeper and deeper level. The gospel must move from merely changing how we behave to shaping our motives, desires, and loves. So Christians answer the question “Who am I?” in a very distinct way. They know their identity is “in Christ.” God gives each Christian a new identity of being connected to Christ.
Onesimus was a slave, likely running away from his master, Philemon. Along the way, Onesimus encountered the apostle Paul and accepted Christ. But Onesimus was now returning to his master with an advocate in his corner, Paul. While the letter was written primarily to Philemon, it also speaks of the work that God had done in Onesimus’ life to make him new. Here we will see all the new things that have come into Onesimus’ life as a result of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jesus invites us to find life and rest in Himself. Some people take Jesus' invitation while others don’t. Are there consequences to rejecting Jesus? If so, what are they? Jesus’ invitation is not only for those outside the faith. He regularly invites those who believe in Him to follow Him more closely. Yet, due to the remnants of sin within us, we can still struggle to accept His Word. Jesus discusses the consequences, and blessings, of accepting His invitation.
The message of Zechariah is that if the people return to God, God will return to them. Even though the people are back in the land, they are still in exile. But God promises to end their (spiritual) exile. One day he will atone for their sin, banish idolatry and false prophets from the land, lead the people back in a new exodus, and fill Jerusalem with his presence.
God gave the people of Israel the year of Jubilee to celebrate his goodness and faithfulness. Every 50 years, the people were to take a full year off from work and trust in the Lord. Unfortunately, the people never celebrated the Jubilee. Due to their unbelief, the people were sent into exile. But God brought jubilee to bear through the incarnation of Jesus.
The gospel empowers us to live for God. We don't live for God in order to get things from God. We live for God because of what Jesus has done for us through his life, death, and resurrection. But the Christian life is also one of continually growth. We grow, however, not solely as individuals, but within the context of community. We grow together within the church.
The book of Acts records the spread of the gospel across the globe. After Jesus instructed his followers for forty days, the Spirit of God comes down upon the church, empowering her for God's mission. Through the power of the Spirit, the movement Jesus started continued to multiply throughout the world.